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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

16 November 2022

Year 11 PPEs (Pre-Public Exams)

We have been absolutely delighted with the conduct of students in the PPEs this week.  Our invigilators have praised their behaviour and commented on how well students have worked.  We have been trialling some exam booster breakfasts with targeted groups of students and we have been impressed with their dedication in turning up for these very important sessions.  If these continue to prove popular, we will roll them out to more students for the February PPEs. 

Carol Service

Without a current music specialist, it will not be possible to hold our normal Carol Service this year. This is such a shame as this is one of the highlights of the year.  We have explored other formats, but it is not really feasible to have this event without an orchestra and musical contributions.  We have informed St Paul’s Church that we have cancelled this event, but have said we will back next year!

College Fund Letter

I have decided that due to the exceptionally challenging financial situation that families are facing at the moment, we will not be asking parents for any voluntary contributions this year.  Although our annual request does bring in a significant sum of money for the College to use to improve facilities, it does not seem appropriate to be asking parents for money at a time when many people are struggling with high energy bills and the ever-rising cost of food and essential items.

Of course, if any parent does feel that they would like to make a voluntary donation then this would be very gratefully received, and any monies raised would go towards assisting further improvements to the site.  We would request that donations are made either by a one-off payment made by using ParentPay or by standing order).

Mr Tanner - Principal

Curriculum Information