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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

4 March 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Correspondence 1

Dear Parent/Carer


I am aware that many of you will be concerned by the latest reports of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country and around the world.


While we are not currently aware of any members of staff or students who have been directly affected, recent announcements by government ministers and public health officials indicate that wider transmission of the virus within the UK is increasingly likely. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to reassure parents that we are monitoring the situation closely and taking steps to prepare appropriate contingency plans.


At present, no action is required beyond promoting basic good hygiene. Washing hands with soap and warm water remains the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs and viruses, including coronavirus. We are reminding students in assemblies of simple and effective hand hygiene messages and would appreciate parents’ support in encouraging students to wash their hands regularly. Washrooms are being regularly checked and restocked to ensure appropriate facilities are available to all students throughout the day.


We are advised that it is unlikely the College will be required to close, even in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19. However, in the event that a closure is necessary, parents will be informed by text message. Our intention is that wherever possible all College activities will continue unaffected but, as you would expect, this will be reviewed on a continuous basis with suitably risk-assessed decisions taken accordingly.


A dedicated coronavirus (COVID-19) information page has been set up on the Parent Portal which we will be updating with all relevant, non-urgent advice and guidance over the coming weeks.  The information page can be accessed via the Parent Portal homepage.


I would encourage all parents to refer to information on the portal or issued directly by the College, rather than social media channels and messaging services where information can prove to be unreliable and provoke unnecessary panic.  A helpline, the details of which are below, has also been launched by the Department for Education to answer any questions parents, staff and students may have about COVID-19 in education settings.


Your continued support during this developing situation is greatly appreciated.  Should there be a significant development that impacts upon the College, I will write to you again directly. In the meantime, please refer to the information page on the College Parent Portal for further updates, advice and guidance.


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