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A High Performing Specialist Academy for Technology & Applied Learning

Members of Key Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Principal Miss K Watling
Executive Officer Mr E Tanner
Head of Lower College (Curriculum and Collaboration) Mr A Chauhan
Head of Upper College (Behaviour and Personal Development) Mr J Cleary
Senior Assistant Principal (Sixth Form and Curriculum Development) Mr C Webster
Senior Assistant Principal (Curriculum Support and Student Performance) Mrs N Everson
Joint Senior Assistant Principal (Behaviour and Personal Development - Student) Ms N Akbar
Joint Senior Assistant Principal (Staff Development) Miss L Collins
Assistant Principal Mrs S Marden
Assistant Principal Mrs R Woods
Chief Financial and Operating Officer Mr C Draper


Assistant Principal & Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) Mrs J Hawkemore

Progress Leaders

Progress Leader Years 7, 8 and 9 Mrs L Edwards
Progress Leader Years 10 and 11 Mr R San Emeterio

Year Managers / Pastoral Assistants

Year Year Manager Pastoral Assistant
7 Miss S Gulliford Miss C Taylor
8 Mr H Green Miss L Evans
9 Mr P Andrews Miss E Ingram
10 Mrs S Goggin Miss R Dillon
11 Miss K Robinson Mrs S Lee

Sixth Form Personal Tutors

12/13LB Mrs L Boon
12/13MB Ms M Browne
KS5 Curriculum Leader 12/13LA Miss L Angell

Heads of Department

Art Mrs L Judd/Mr A Connell
English Mrs R Woods
Design and Technology Mr W Thomas
Geography Mrs C Magness
Mathematics/Statistics Mrs L Brockett
Media and Film Studies Mr M Ballard
Languages Department Ms E Bauduin
Performing Arts Mrs R Kempton
Physical Education Mr J Beer
Philosophy, Religion and Culture Mr G Dunn
Psychology Mr J Charman
Science Dr S Adams
Social Sciences Mr C Magness
Sociology Mrs C Charman
Vocational Education Mr W Burton
Vocational, Information and Business Education Mr M Powell

Teachers in Charge/Co-ordinators

Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr J Cleary
Acting Duke of Edinburgh's Award Mrs S Goggin
Examinations Officer Mrs S Brown
More Able Mrs P Daniel
Learning Resources Centre Manager Ms S Blay

Ancillary Support Staff

Attendance Manager Mrs N Pursun
Communications Administrator Mrs J Byrne
HR Advisor Mrs K Evans
EA / Administration Manager Ms C Wright
Deputy Administration Manager Mrs T Moody
Reprographics Technician Mrs S Ashton
Senior Laboratory Technician Mrs L Lancaster
Systems Manager Mrs T Hayward
Sixth Form Student Services Manager/Personal Tutor/Safeguarding Lead for Sixth Form Mrs L Boon

If you wish to contact a member of staff please email  Thank you.  

Curriculum Information